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Free radicals
What are free radicals?
These are atoms, ions, molecules or complexes, which are highly reactive and therefore unstable. Because of these properties quickly react with other molecules. Such reactions take place unchecked, past the enzyme systems, and for cell damaging. Cell damage, and may result in various illnesses.
When free radicals are formed?
Free radicals are constantly produced in the body. Their amount is increased under the influence of various adverse factors: heat, ionizing radiation, air pollution, stress, alcohol, smoking and aging.
How the body fights against free radicals?
The body can neutralize free radicals and thereby maintain cellular balance by means of enzyme systems and antioxidants (free radical traps). The most important antioxidants are vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene and selenium. Sufficient quantities of these vitamins, beta carotene and selenium, for the proper functioning of the cells is necessary. Otherwise, free radicals cause pathological changes in cells and tissues.
How antioxidants help us?
Studies show that antioxidants help inhibit the development of certain diseases: reducing the risk of developing cancer, for the early development of atherosclerosis, clouding the lens of the eye (cataract gray) for diseases associated with smoking (lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases) and injuries tissue during operations. Also improve the functioning of the immune system, increase physical performance in its efforts and maintain nerve cells.
Against free radicals can not be protected, but can we make sure that the proper diet or vitamin products enter the body slightly larger amounts of antioxidants.
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