When you fall ill body and soul

What is depression?

Depression is very common emotional disorder that manifests itself in different ways, and always affects the man in full - on its mood, feeling, thinking and behavior. Impact on what you think about yourself and your life, how you feel and how you experience the world around you, affects your sleep, appetite and various physical events. Depression is not just a temporary bad mood or sad mood casual. Nor is it a result of human weakness, it can not be overcome only by a strong desire and will. Depressed people themselves can not be forced to feel better. They are characterized by a strong feeling that the characters and qualm of depression, while other people such signs as they almost do not notice. A doctor of most characters, which shows depression, the usual tests can not detect.

If you are affected by depression, it is very important to talk about their problems with other people. The more detailed you describe the doctor, where you will find help. Reveal to him all their problems, even those that seem insignificant.
Pain as a sign of depression

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Everyone knows the pain, but it is nevertheless still very difficult to define. Leaving aside the official definition, we can say that feeling pain is a complex physical and mental developments affected - as with all other feelings - external and internal stimuli. Usually, a cause tissue damage pain. However, the link between tissue injury and the sensation of pain is not always uniform or predictable. Pain can be felt disproportionately or non-relatively weakly. In some pain, for example. with neuropathic (nerve neuralgia trovejnega), are feeling the pain and the actual damage is usually proportional. However, sometimes in more or less intense sensation of pain, which can not be determined entirely clear organic cause, combine organic and psychological causes. Pain that we can not determine the organic cause, called idiopathic.

All pain is real. The same feel those which cause the tissue damage, such as those with psychological causes. Nothing felt pain is not imaginary, since that can not be at all. When a doctor does not find an organic cause for pain and it tells a patient that may be thought that the doctor does not believe him. Given such a misunderstanding may lose confidence in the physician, which complicates
communication and treatment.

When pain can occur without tissue damage or tissue damage is at the forefront of the clinical picture disproportionately small, the doctor must take time for due diligence, during which it may be found on any of the more common and typical signs of depression. You might ask questions that will seem unusual or even unnecessary.
But it is precisely such questions will help him make a diagnosis, you are strongly reduced

The most common signs of depression are:

* Persistent sadness, anxiety or a feeling of emptiness,
* Pessimism, feelings of hopelessness,
* Feelings of helplessness and guilt brezvrednosti,
* Loss of interest and enthusiasm for things and activities that you used to like to do
* Loss of interest and the joy of sex,
* Insomnia, early morning awakening or sleeping too long,
* Loss of appetite and body weight or excessive appetite and weight gain,
* Lack of energy, fatigue and general slowness,
* Thoughts of death, suicide,
* Restlessness, irritability,
* Difficult concentration, remembering, and decision making.

All the characters almost never expressed at the same time, the pain are not always in the same place and as strong. Most strongly expressed and also the most intrusive can also be a variety of physical symptoms, including pain. However, even in these patients can be very fast, maybe just a few questions, imagined and confirm that it is a depressive illness.
Document Depression

Document depression in each patient is different, every suffering of its own. Unfortunately, just as the pain may be very different faces. Depression and pain have been in our ordinary language a lot in common: it hurts us when we offend anybody and it affects, painful loss of someone we love, injustice hurts ...
Causes of depression

Depression affects the formation of three factors: congenital and acquired characteristics and life circumstances. If anyone in the family already suffering from depression, it is more likely that this will happen to you. This suggests that innate traits are not insignificant. Important role in the depression also have human personality traits. The more vulnerable people who lack confidence in themselves and in their abilities and whose view of ourselves and the world is permeated with pessimism.

Depression can also trigger a different life stresses (such as chronic illness, financial problems, difficulties in interpersonal and family relations), or sudden events that change our life utirjenost (eg loss of loved ones, loss of job, retirement).

The exact relationship between depression and pain sensation is not yet known, but can be considered long-term depressed mood significantly reduced pain threshold, so that pain can be felt as much more severe. Reverse is also true: a long and severe pain may trigger depressive feelings.
Treatment of depression

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Today's knowledge of the neurochemical processes help to better understand the emergence of depression and pain perception. In doing so, nor did it matter whether depression caused by chronic pain or independently of it or the cause was. Both depression and chronic pain share some common biological means, which is doctor can help pharmacotherapy.

Available to more and more effective drugs, it is also used several types of psychotherapy that helps depressed patients. Some more help psychotherapy, the other drug. In most of the most successful combination of both: Drugs mitigate and eliminate symptoms, psychotherapy helps manage more effectively cope with life's difficulties. It is important that the depression in most people can treat outpatients.
Medicines against depression (antidepressant drugs)

Against depression, there are several groups of drugs that act on different biochemical substances in the biological processes in the brain. Nevertheless, it should be noted that these drugs take effect only after three or four weeks and can also have side effects, which will alert you by your doctor.

It is important to stop taking drugs too soon. They need to take a few months after the well-being improved and resolved all signs of depression and the pain has significantly reduced.

Medicines to reduce anxiety (sedatives) and medication with sleeping no effect of antidepressant effect. However, sometimes a doctor - at least temporarily - be prescribed along with antidepressants, because they quickly alleviate the most unpleasant
signs of depression.
How you can help yourself

Depression in humans cause feelings of fatigue, depression, redundancy, unworthiness, despair and helplessness, the pain, for which the doctor can not find an organic cause, the patient may feel as a "simulant". These black thoughts and feelings are part of depression and can not correspond with reality.
So do not trust yourself and your feelings. These fade and disappear when the treatment becomes effective.
This will speed up if you follow the following recommendations.

* Do not place it is hard to reach goals and you do not load too much responsibility.
* Great Divide tasks into several smaller, Solve them by type, not all at once.
* From myself do not expect too much, because this may increase the feeling of failure.
* Try to be in society, even if you find that you prefer solitude PRIJALA.
* Take part in activities that you can pleasure. Deal with sports, go to the movies, the social and religious gatherings. But do not be disappointed if your mood does not improve soon.
* Take the time you eat in peace, and food should be attractive to look at, tasty, fresh and healthy.
* Take care of your physical well-being and physical fitness. Exercise, go into the wild, even in the city as much walking on foot.
* Take care of your appearance, Nurture your body, even if you seem to be redundant, be careful how you dress, what is your appearance.
* Do not utapljajte his grief in alcohol, even when you feel that this would improve your health.
* Do not try to ease the pain with pain-alleviating drugs. The effect will only be a short-term pain but then worse.
* Put your big life decisions. As long depression, or replace the service, not the Report and do not separate, not to consult with someone you trust and you can see a more realistic, as you can see yourself.
* Do not expect any quick moves by itself, this happens rarely. Do not lay blame upon himself, if improvement is not as fast as you expect.
* Do not premlevajte its black thoughts and you do not accept as reality. They are only part of the depression and will move when it ended.
* It is important to talk about their problems, even if you feel weary and uninteresting to others. Family and friends can help you only if they know how it is with you. This they can only tell you, nobody can do it for you.
* Do not take any medication, at its discretion and to include only medicines advice of your doctor.

How to help depressed patients

The key is to recognize depression as a disease and should not be confused with the temporary sadness.

Depressed patients attempt to understand, be patient with him and encourage him. Talk to him and listen up. Do not miss thoughts about suicide, which are often imposed and too often overlooked!

Take it out for a walk to the cinema in society. Persist in the invitation, even if initially refused. Encourage him to the activities that was once happy, but do not ask him too much. Excessive demands is likely to increase feelings of failure.

Obtožujte depressed patient is that sick less, and tells whether it has "strong will" and can not be "put together". If you sue the pain, believe him and do not persuade you that it does not hurt anything. Try to help him to his attention shifted to the more pleasant and more encouraging themes. Do not be impatient for him and encourage the belief that depression is otherwise severe, but only a temporary medical disorder that will pass, and then they will once again felt like a long time.

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