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Schizophrenia and other psychoses
* What is schizophrenia?
* Who can be diagnosed with schizophrenia?
* How to recognize schizophrenia?
* What are the most characteristic signs of schizophrenia?
* It is important for early identification
* Treatment is long-term
* Results of treatment of schizophrenia in recent years, much better
* How to treat schizophrenia?
* What are the benefits of treatment with orodispersible pills?
* It is important for patient participation in treatment
* How can you help?
More info here What is schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder. It belongs to a larger group of mental disorders known as psychosis. The disease has already been described by several millennia, its name was formed in the early 20th century. Schizophrenia is manifested by a number of symptoms or signs, such as disorders of perception, thinking, feeling, decision, determination, concentration. Over time, you can also develop specific cognitive changes, which significantly impede the sick in their everyday functioning. The most common course of the disease includes a number of relapses (episodes) with intermediate periods of complete or partial improvement. The exact cause of schizophrenia remains unknown, most data on to talk about a certain imbalance of certain chemical substances (carriers of information between nerve cells) in the brain.
Who can be diagnosed with schizophrenia?
It is estimated that schizophrenia has about 1% of all people. The disease occurs in both sexes and all racial and ethnic groups and irrespective of social status. Usually begins in young people growing up. For men, the morbidity rate among the top 15th and 25 year in women aged 25 and 35 year. Reasons for late morbidity rate of women is not fully known. The first appearance of the disease after age 40 year is rare. Schizophrenia is a hereditary disease, although in some families there often. The possibility that will occur is greater, if one parent (or both), but certainly this does not mean that the ill offspring.
How to recognize schizophrenia?
Although the name may be reminiscent of the "split" is not a disease that leads to a dual or split personality, we know from the movies. Most people with schizophrenia may have problems such as disorganized thinking, and sometimes incoherent speech, the sound and delusions (false beliefs clearly, the reality is a man whose unwavering belief, and it can not persuade to the contrary). Delusions in schizophrenia are mostly preganjalnega and dispensing type, which means that it is suffering from convinced that other people want it bad, you prosecute, pursue, or that events from the environment related to him (for example, that cars drive past because it that some news in the paper actually refers to it, etc..). Described a form of paranoid schizophrenia is called and is the most common. Today is quite rarely seen some other signs of schizophrenia, for example. movement disorders (patient long maintained in a positive, uncomfortable physical posture, or very upset, not survival). This form of schizophrenia called katatonska.
What are the most characteristic signs of schizophrenia?
The most characteristic signs of schizophrenia, divided into four groups.
Positive. Suffering is pushed into a psychotic hallucinations and delusions world. He is convinced that others are persecuted, followed, by watching and want to harm him, even to serve for life. Fears sees everywhere. Noteworthy are uncommon in speech and writing, thoughts are vague and even inconsistent, difficult to read and understood.
Negative. The patient is introverted, withdrawn, completely without the will, initiative or motivation, and socially isolated. Loss of interest in the happenings around them. The decline in social conduct, a neglect of care of oneself, the patient is nepočesan, unwashed, in dirty and inadequate clothing.
Cognitive (cognitive). The patient has a particular disorder working memory, his ability to concentrate is reduced and more difficult to learn.
Affective (emotional). Emotional expression is reduced or inappropriate. The patient is feeling stiff and often inappropriate in relation to their individual situation. Reflected with unchanged facial expressions, poor eye contact, slow speech. You can laugh at inappropriate situations or chuckles for no reason. Pronounced may be depression.
It is important for early identification
The disease usually begins surreptitiously, with non-specific signs, which the experts may initially be replaced by signs that are typical for most teenagers: failure in commitments at school and at home, reducing their daily activities, self-closing. For example, an adolescent who is soon I hung out with my friends, playing football, now prefer to remain at home, considering ... Of course, these signs do not mean mental disorders, but if you run a long time (several months), it is okay to seek help youngster with your doctor. Studies show that early treatment of these atypical symptoms reduces the possibility of later development of schizophrenia. Appropriate medication (even in small doses) can often prevent the development of disease. Due to modern medicines that patients better tolerated, there is no reason that the first signs of schizophrenia in the treatment of grass. It is important that we start to treat the disease before it fully develops.
Treatment is long-term
At the first appearance of psychosis is usually necessary to start treatment in hospital, it is necessary to put the correct diagnosis and to carry out some tests to rule out other possible diseases. Later, most patients can be successfully treated as outpatients. Treatment of first episode schizophrenia to last continuously for at least two years if a second episode, the recommended length of treatment for five years. However, if the episode re-launch of several diseases, there is no recommended time limit the duration of treatment or the duration of treatment depends on the condition of the individual.
Results of treatment of schizophrenia in recent years, much better
More info here Treatment of schizophrenia in recent decades, especially in recent years, a great deal. It is estimated that one third of the successfully treated patients who experienced a first episode. These people function properly, go to work, have a family. In a way, this was only experience more in their lives. Another third of sufferers are at an appropriate therapy to learn to live with their disease. They need some more support, in particular, support their families. They may have some minor problems due to illness, but this does not prevent them. In everyday life, are completely independent. Somehow 10% of them does not cure the disease and they have left in its severe form.
How to treat schizophrenia?
Used drugs and other measures. Medicines used to treat schizophrenia and other psychoses are called antipsychotics and regulate the imbalance of chemicals in the brain. There are several types of antipsychotic drugs, which differ in operation and, consequently, even after adverse reactions. Therefore, it may take some more time to find the best medical treatment for each patient. Medicines are available in several formats. Today, more and more popular forms that rapidly dissolve in the mouth (eg orodispersible tablets).
What are the benefits of treatment with orodispersible pills?
Orodispersible pills are the product of the latest technologies in the pharmaceutical industry. We take them without any fluid anywhere, anytime. Have a pleasant taste and smell. Simply place the tablet on the tongue, where it dissolves in seconds.
The main advantages over traditional orodispersible tablets tablets are:
* Discretion in taking,
* Facilitate swallowing
* Simpler dosing regardless of time of day.
Due to the above benefits, participation of patients in the treatment better.
It is important for patient participation in treatment
Patients often abandon treatment because the disease is the appropriate treatment completely calm and they feel that they are completely healthy.
At the start still no signs that would warn that the mental state deteriorated due nejemanja tablets. But usually within a few weeks or months after discontinuation arbitrary happen just that. Signs of deterioration is nervous tension which had not been there, nesproščenost and sudden onset insomnia. When these signs as soon as possible, contact your doctor.
The most important is trust between patient and physician. It is essential also work with the family that can influence the patients' attitude towards the disease and the consequent taking of prescribed medicines.
How you can help yourself?
* Learn about the symptoms, course and treatment of disease. Know when to signs that you promptly seek support from your doctor.
* Do not interrupt treatment, arbitrary. If you believe that medicines do not work or have side effects, immediately tell your doctor.
* Join the self-help group. In the treatment of the invaluable role of the support from family and friends.
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