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With Allergies test to prove that certain symptoms, such as. sniff, sneezing, skin rashes and digestive problems, allergy. The test results show, for which we are allergic substance. It is important that a few days before the actual test stop taking choked for the treatment of allergic diseases because they can distort the result of the test result is of course incorrect treatment.
Skin tests
The skin tests allergy testing:
* House mite,
* Animal antigens (horse, cat, dog, guinea pig) and feathers
* Pollen (birch, alder, ash, plantain, dog grass)
* Spores of mold
* Food.
For the skin test is no age limit.
More info here
Jigsaw tests
In skin prick tests to enter the skin, small amounts of various allergens are ready. On the inside of the ulna drops streaked through drops of allergens and Iglica Small puncture wounds in the skin. After 15 to 20 minutes a doctor examine reactions. In positive reactions resulting from the bubble (urtika), about which there is redness, which usually itches.
Patch testing
In contact eczema and contact dermatitis allergens usually relate to the skin on his back and covered with cloth, which can later be removed. The doctor examine reactions at 48 and then after 72 hours.
Blood tests
The blood investigation determined the various factors that indicate an allergy. These are usually immunoglobulin E (IgE), which are involved in allergic rekcijah.
Specific IgE antibodies are made to certain allergens. Their presence is noted when skin tests can not be done or when it is necessary to confirm the cause of allergies.
The challenge tests
The challenge tests are necessary when other tests do not give unambiguous answers on the cause of allergies. The process is complex and can also be dangerous, so they work only in hospitals.
Symptoms of an allergic reaction sprožjo gradually entering (eg, by ingestion or inhalation), an increasing amount of allergen in the body.
Not necessarily to the allergen that causes a positive skin reaction, also trigger an allergic reaction (in this case it is not for atopy and allergy).
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